In this blog I will be focusing on ATO Records. I will try to apply the information I learn from the textbook and in-class discussion to developing crisis communication strategies for ATO Records. For example, Professor Laskin explained that crisis can be caused by an outside or inside error (deliberate or not). ATO Records, for example, can potentially face crises from the inside. The main threat of a crisis is obviously the artist. An artist/artists can potentially do so many things that can cause for panic. An artist can do something that shines a negative light on themselves, there are so many examples in society today where we see people in the public eye making mistakes which lead to destruction of their image. If an artist that is signed to ATO does something that shines a negative light on them it could ultimately effect their record and ticket sales. A lot of times celebrities fix their image by acknowledging their mistakes but we often see that people in the limelight do not admit to their faults thus further damaging their image.
A major outside threat to ATO is that record sales are significantly dropping. With rise of new technology and downloading clients, CD's are becoming a dead technology. Why would someone want to lug around a 10-pound CD-book when they can carry around a less than 1-pound iPod?? Why would someone want to pay for a CD when they can download it for FREE from Limewire and various Bittorrent websites???
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
This is a students blog for a Crisis Communication class at Quinnipiac University. As such, I as the author of this blog make no representation as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability or validity on any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions or delays in this information in any losses, damages or injuries arising from its display or use. All information is provided as an as-is basis. Opinions expressed on this blog are Todd Kaiser's personal opinions and do not represent opinions of Quinnipiac University or of the instructor of the class.
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